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Jävlar Förkylnings Jävel!
Kunde man böta dig för varje gång du trycker in digsjälv
i någons liv, hade vi nog alla varit rika!
Dear J:
Sometimes i wonder, wonder and wonder. Will this ever last?will this be right?is this right?
Sometimes i wonder, what have we done to deserve each other?are we right about all this??
Dear J, it makes me glad everytime you bring back to earth, telling me" This is right, this is good, this is perfect...we are good,and reminding me that, we are we!"...
//Your confidens in us,shatters every negativ thought I have ever had!
And...frankly, I´m lovin it ever bit!

Spoil me,
Breath me,
Love me,
...and as long as this holds on..
You will always have me!